This page is the Account level profile page. Your permission levels will determine what you can or cannot access and edit. Much of this information is set by CT and your Account’s administrator.
Logo: This is the company/corporate logo it is uploaded by your administrator
Account No., Account Name, Address details, Phone and Company website: These are all the account identifying fields and are locked fields that can only be changed by contacting CT.
Account State Licensing: (and fields associated with) are all Company-level licensing requirements that may need to be shown on all of your Company’s PF Webpages. These requirements are determined by your compliance department and these requirements can vary from state to state.
Account Disclosures: This is another compliance related field that is set by your administrator. This disclosure shows on the confirmation page just before the Preflight report is ordered.
About Company: Here is where the Company history and or description would go. This information displays on your PF webpage under “More.”
Order Page Introduction: This is the “Introduction” to the Preflight form. It is suggested that it introduce the Preflight process and the benefits to the consumer. A default intro has been written for your company’s use. This field is also set by your administrator.
Rating and Reviews: This field gives the ability to show or not show the ratings and reviews on the PF webpage. It is set by your administrator. It can be suggested to display, or locked to display or not display.
Consumer Search Traffic: This is an administrative field – this allows your administrator to push consumer initiated searches to your hosted stand alone PF pages or may require the results to default to your corporate website embedded PF page.
Other Media: Much like the “My Profile page” this field enables additional media to be placed on your PF webpage. At the Account level this allows your administrator to default media to all users and/or lock the media. If “Set as Default” is checked on this field – your administrator has suggested a default option. If the “Prevent Changes” box is also checked- your administrator is requiring this particular content and you are unable to change on your “My Profile” section of PF.
Social Media: Much like the “My Profile page” field enables the addition of social media streams to your Preflight webpage. At the Account level this allows your administrator to default social media to all users and/or lock the media. If “Set as Default” is checked on this field – your administrator has suggested a default option. If the “Prevent Changes” box is also checked- your administrator is requiring this particular content and you are unable to change on your “My Profile” section of PF.