Invite Partner - Administrator

This is where you will invite your partners allowing them access to Preflight.  They will go through a very similar process that you did and will have a fully customizable webpage with you being listed as a referral (lending) option. 
Account Info:   As an administrator you may have access to multiple branches or accounts.  You have the ability to invite a Partner to Preflight for any and all User’s under your administrative access.  By changing the Account options via the dropdown – the users associated will display under the Loan Officer option.
Lender Name:
This is your name or another loan officer, if you are inviting on behalf of someone else.
Partner Info:  Information of the partner you are inviting – be sure First, Last Name and email are correct as this initiates the invite and initial pf setup. 
Ability to generate credit: This allows the partner access to a specified number of paid for reports (paid by your company) to be used in the form of campaigns. Additional boxes will display when marked with a check to allow specified amount and whether this is a recurring offer and/or when they expire.
# of Credits: is the total number of credit reports you are willing to allow this user to be “corporate paid.”
Recurring:  is whether this number can be “refilled” after an expiration date is set.
Expiration Date: This is the date in which the credits approved will expire or if marked as recurring – will reset or restock the credit bank.
Preview: Allows you to view and edit the email prior to sending a template has been defaulted for you - please be aware that over editing this email may cause the registration button to malfunction, please edit text only if possible.
Pending Initiations:  Shows all invites that have yet to complete the login/registration process.  My/All allows you to view only your personal invitations or all User's you manage. 
Advanced search allows you to search specific information.

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