Where do I find sample or test files?

Use of test files can be a bit complex.

Typically, a file with a social security number known to be invalid is rejected. In addition, if using test files in a production environment, all requests are treated live and result in charges. This includes the production of FACTA required Risk Based Pricing Disclosures (RBPD) notifications which are mailed to the fictitious address; are undelivered and are returned to the address on record. There are two recommended methods for ordering test files, 
Creation of a test account
Test environments can be established enabling the processing of test files without any fees or RBPD.  Any attempt to access live consumer files will fail. Test accounts are typically used for initial training on new accounts or for evaluating API integration. Requests to establish a test account must be made in writing by a credentialed user with administrative rights. For more information on establishing a test account, contact your Business Analyst. 
* Processing test files through a production account
Test files can be requested through a production (live) account, including the below listed test examples,

MCL test files:
a: ~570 Score 
ABBY C TESTCASE 1948-04-18 
918 D ST 
Anthill MO, 65488 

b: ~670 Score 
8842 48TH AVE 
Anthill MO, 65488 

c: ~770 Score 
8842 48TH AVE 
Anthill MO, 65488 

Testing in FNMA DO/DU
Fannie Mae maintains a separate list of test files for use in the DO/DU environment which is available at http://www.efanniemae.com/lc/technology/du/practicecases/pdf/testcreditreportprocedures.pdf
* Please remember that any test files ordered through a production accounts (including through FNMA DO/DU) will incur charges including the mailing of RBPD notices. 
Credit requests for test files can be made through your Business Analyst or via email to accounting@credittechnologies.com Please note that credit requests must be received within the same billing cycle.

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