View/Manage Lenders - Administrator

This page is for managing your loan officers.  You can see general information regarding each and every LO under your management.  You can quickly break down by company, branch and group.  Advanced search options allow you to quickly find specific information. For even further detailed information see “reports.”
Account Information:
Company:  As an administrator you may have access to multiple branches or accounts.  By changing the Company options via the drop down – the Branches associated will display under the Account list.  You may click the box next to the branch you are looking to manage and the list of Loan officers will change based on branch chosen below.
When an LO is chosen from the table 6 options appear for editing and changing.
Trash Icon -  Will delete relationship with this user **Please contact Credit Technologies if you want to delete or remove a user**
Lock - this will lock the LO out of PF and 
Unlock - this will unlock the LO's access to PF.
Arrow Icon - this will allow you to transfer an Lo from one branch to another
Rectangular Arrow Icon - this will redirect the PF webpage of the user to another.  For ex. an LO leaves the company, you would want to redirect that ex-employee's PF webpage to a current employee to allow continued traffic current company information.
Dollar Sign Icon - this allows the addition or removal of credits to the LO.
Table Information:
First Name/Last Name - This is the LO's name within the PF system
CR Login - this is the loan officers login to access credit reports via the Credit Technologies website
NMLS#  - NMLS # of the LO
Account  - The account that the LO is assigned to
Zip Code - the zip code the LO has designated
URL - If the LO has an embedded PF page, the URL to that page is shown here.  
DLA - Date of last activity
Volume - PF transaction volume
# of Partners - Number of partner relationships assigned to the LO
Ratings & Reviews - current star standing and number of reviews the LO has
Credits Used - this is the total amount of Credits used in the last 30 days.
Credits Unused - This is the amount of credits the loan officer has remaining 
Credit Expiration - If the credits given to the LO expire the date will be in this field
Active? - this tells whether the LO currently has active PF access, you can also change this option by clicking Yes/No
Is Admin? - this shows if the LO has administrative rights, you can also change this option by clicking Yes/No.
Redirect? - shows if the LO's PF webpage is redirected.  The LO would typically also be inactive if the webpage is being redirected to someone else.
Pending requests from Affiliate - this is the number of partner requests this LO has that are pending approval

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