How do I order a supplement?

How-To Order Supplement Requests
You can request supplements on specific trade lines from the web version of the credit report or you can click on the Request Supplement link in the Add-On Products section on the credit file screen.
How to order from the WEB link
1. Open the web report by clicking on WEB link in the Credit File screen:
2. Go to the Trade Line or Public Record that you wish to request a supplement for and click on the blue highlighted creditor name:
3. The Trade Supplement screen will now display. Check the appropriate checkboxes and/or enter your request reason in the Additional Instructions area. If at least one of the checkboxes is checked then the Additional Instructions area is NOT required. If none of the checkboxes are checked then the Additional Instructions area will be required. A phone number or email address is required on all supplement orders.
4. Click on the Submit Order button to submit your supplement request.
5. Once a request is submitted you can view the Credit File and view your supplement requests listed under the Supplement Requests History section. Once the supplement requests are completed by your account CRA, the Status will say COMPLETED.
Note: It is important to provide the consumer’s contact number(s) and the consumer’s signed authorization page if available. If you do not wish to have the consumer contacted for any reason, please specify in the additional instructions field.
How to order from the Add-On Products Menu
1. Click the Request Supplement link.
2. Open the Supplement Request page. You can enter your general request in the Request Reason field.
3. You can also request a supplement for a specific trade line from this page, just select the checkbox next to the appropriate trade line, and select the appropriate supplement options.
4. Click on the Submit Order button to send your supplement request.
Note: A phone number or email address is required on all supplement orders.

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