How do I order an International Credit Report?

While consumer files from U.S. insular areas (e.g. Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands) can be pulled directly through MCL, laws governing credit reporting differ from nation to nation.  
Credit reporting companies may have operations in multiple countries but most often information maintained in foreign countries cannot be transferred across national boundaries. In some instances laws prohibit transfer of information across borders altogether or have restrictions on such transfers.
What is my alternative?
If a borrower has loan or credit card accounts in another country, supplement requests to ‘add new trade’ may be ordered. Additional charges apply and vary according to country of origin.  When placing orders on line for international trade line additions, please include the creditor name, full account number, and consumer contact information. Remember to attach any statements or other documents pertaining to the account when placing the order.
Canadian reports are available and must be ordered manually through our customer service department.

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