How to find an Existing AccountChek Order and Check the Status of an Existing Order

Find an Existing Order and Check the Status of an Existing Order


1. To check the status of a verification of deposit, click on Find Ordered Products from the main page, then select Verification of Deposit.

2. Use the search fields to find your VOD; entering in nothing will return a list of the most recent orders.


Find Order Info Page and retrieving the report

1. After locating the VOD file, select the file number and the Order Info page will appear.

2. To view the report, you can click View Asset Report at the top right. You can also click the blue refresh button to generate a report that is updated according to the previous night's harvest.

3. You can also view the Fannie Mae 1006 form for a specific financial institution by clicking View Report under Financial Institutions.

4. The Status History will show the dates and changes in status for this file, such as when the borrower has accepted the terms, when monitor starts/ends, etc.

Below is a sample asset report:

Sample Report - VOA.pdf


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